Startup Roundup – 19th April
Social Discovery Insights is constantly on the lookout for new players, disruptive business models, and innovative technologies, in the social discovery market.
- RTRO: An algorithm-free platform to enjoy connecting with friends and family without brand ads in your feed. Users can discover new content on the RTROtv feed or send retro ‘postcards’, polaroids & mixtapes to other users.
- Damus: Built on a decentralized social network protocol (Nostr), this social network designed for friends or business connections allows you to be in control of your data and speech. There are no ads, algorithms, or censorship. You can also support creators by sending or receiving Bitcoin.
- Beatmatch: This app’s algorithm pairs people up based on similar music preferences, so users can connect with people who share their music taste. The newly introduced feature, Beatmatch Plans, means users can now search for IRL music events near them and find other people to attend them with.
In Case You Missed It! Here’s last week’s Startup Roundup:
- Skout: Skouters can find activity partners and new friends by chatting to other users, including on sister apps owned by Skout’s parent company The Meet Group.
- Reelhop: This London-based startup is making capturing photos in a group setting a social experience by incorporating a real-time collaborative feed into its social camera app.
- BarkHappy: Available across the US, this app allows dog owners to connect with each other and discover dog-friendly locations and events near them. It also includes a lost & found feature.